Monday, September 30, 2013

I should be...

I should be painting pieces for The Kansas Barn Sale.
I should be pricing things for the sale.
I should be figuring out how I am going to be setting up my booth.
I should be figuring out if everything is going to fit (yikes).
I should be doing a load of laundry.
I should have mopped my kitchen floor.
I should be, I should be, I should be......

Instead, I am taking the easy route. The less complicated one. The "I can still be in denial for a few more days" route.  I chose the wonderful outdoors. The crisp fall air.  The amazing pink sunset, and you want to know something?

I don't regret it.
Not one single bit.  
In fact, I am refreshed. 
Just exactly what my heart needed. 

God is GOOD :)
I love country life (I think... did that seriously just come out of my mouth or should I say fingers?)

So just a reminder... because I needed it today.
Stop. Enjoy the little things. Remember it isn't always about getting things done (a friend once told me that). But it is about the moments. Time is too precious not to do things that we love, or things for people we love.

It is OK.

Hopefully I get to meet you all Saturday at The Kansas Barn Sale.  Hopefully you also stop by The Barn at Sedgwick.

... Morgan ...

Monday, September 23, 2013


Can you believe it? Less than 2 weeks. I have got to get my butt into gear! Crunch time is officially here!

In case you have missed it, here is the location:

Don't forget about The Open House at The Barn at Sedgwick. This is where I teach my paint classes!

It is a simple come and go, or come and stay. 9-3. A few of her other class instructors will be there previewing what they have to offer.... and my favorite candle lady is going to be there! 

I am assuming you will all be SO excited from attending the Kansas Barn Sale, and want even more "Barn Life" that you will want to come check the open house out too... Here is how you get there from The Kansas Barn Sale...

... Morgan ...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Fifth of October

October 5th is going to be a BIG day.

I've been over here painting and collecting... and I have neglected a lot of other things (like this blog). Whoops.... but this is why the 5th is going to be the BEST Saturday in October.

First, The Blue Roan is going to have a booth at THE Kansas Barn Sale in Hesston.

Secondly, the wonderful Ms Mary (who lets me use her barn to teach painting classes) is going to be hosting an open house.  It is the perfect time to make a whole day out of "BARNING" (is that a word?) or maybe "Barn Hopping?"

I will keep you posted with updates of items that will be for sale so keep checking back! Hope you have a great "hump day" tomorrow :)


Thursday, August 15, 2013

BIG NEWS: Kansas Barn Sale

Sooo.... I might have been keeping a small secret. The Blue Roan is going to have a booth at The Kansas Barn Sale in Hesston. It is going to be full of hand painted goodness. Milk painted furniture, signs, bunting, pillows, and decor for the upcoming Holiday's. You better come see me!

I will be posting pictures of sale items as the date gets closer.  There also may be some other EXCITING news going on October 5th... Let's just say you will want to make a day out of it.... I will keep you posted ;)

... Morgan ...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Rain or Shine

In the last few weeks we have gotten a butt load of rain.  I think we have had 20+ inches, but who is counting. Being a farmers wife during a drought I have quickly learned never EVER complain about the rain.

This much rain means multiple trips to the pasture to fix water gaps in the fence, sleepless nights worrying about water getting into the basement, and a beautiful green yard that requires extra mowing. It means curly & frizzy hair from the humidity.  It also means my gourds drowning out, but a few of my pumpkins have turned ORANGE!?!? My poor confused plants.

I have been obsessed with the rays from the sun lately.  It is totally mysterious how something so simple can be so calming. It is a great reminder that no matter what is going on in life, there is always light ... and He is always there. I have been needing that reminder a lot lately. 

... Morgan ...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


We did it. The Painting Party at The Barn #2 was a huge success... with one minor mishap.  We were having so much fun painting, getting to know one another, and eating fabulous goodies that I forgot to take a lot of pictures... and the pictures that I took were on the wrong setting so most of them are blurry. Bummer. So don't think your eye sight is failing you... it is just the newly learning photographer at the other end of the camera ;)

Fresh flowers from the garden :)

Mary made delicious ice cream sundaes (my favorite).

Look at Madi's perfect chevron!

I loved getting to meet all the new guests. Jessica made this fabulous sign...  It turned out great!

Beth and Serena perfected the "Gate Open" sign.  Loved the colors they chose.  Meanwhile, Megan got fancy on the "Let all you that you do..." sign and mixed colors to create a custom palette for this sign.  Love the sea foam greens, peach, and corals that she incorporated in it.

Stacey's sign was amazing. I don't know how she mixed her colors to get what she got but WOW...  Debbie, I don't know how I missed taking a picture of your sign!  You need to send me a picture so I can post it :)

Great students, beautiful signs, and new friendships made.  Thanks ladies for coming down on a rainy Sunday afternoon to create!

... Morgan ...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Heart & Sole Pamper Party

I have to start off by saying, I totally feel like a real "blogger" tonight. I am sitting out on my back porch, drinking a margarita, and listening to the bugs chirp. If only I wasn't too lazy to go down and get my camera to take a picture.... then I would be the real deal :)

I don't know if it is the atmosphere, the ladies, or just that I am doing something that makes my heart happy... but I am growing to love these barn parties more and more.  This weekend Mary and Stacey hosted a relaxing "Farm Girl" pamper party.  Everything was all natural. Everything last detail was perfect... even the way the barn smelled (in a good way). They really out did themselves.

Fresh cucumber mint water.

All natural lemonade. It wasn't even made with lemons. They are just in there to be pretty!

To die for fresh peach dessert.

Ladies got to make their own bath wash and foot scrub to take home.

Even got to decorate a cute pair of flops.

Mary's daughter made ankle bracelets for everyone. Too cute!

All natural candles and lip balm was handed out in the "swag" bag.

So relaxing!  I may have soaked my feet after everyone left :)

If you want to come to an event at the barn, the next party is going to be this Sunday from 2-5. It is my painting party. Email me for more info at simmons.morg at

Are Sunday's a good day for you guys to do events? What other nights of the week do you suggest?  How about Saturday classes?  Message me and let me know.  I am going to pick one random person who leaves a comment to attend a painting class for FREE :)


P.S. I can hardly stand the exciting news of the Royal Baby. I am a total dork, yes I know.